We Build Just About Everything home Business Owners Need - Regardless of if you are in a Traditional home based business or are part of a Network Marketing company, our experienced team of web designers and business consultants can help you create a professional first impression for your Potential Customers. Below a couple Examples of work we've done for network marketing related home based businesses. Much of what is done in network marketing these days often involves several aspects of internet marketing. In addition to building your website, we also offer business consultation to help you better understand all of these 'terms' - and how to use these tools that are available to you, to grow your business successfully.
(more sites, and web pages we've designed coming soon - Screenshots too ... thanks for not minding our dust!)
We build Entire Websites - Marketing Pages - Landing Pages - Capture Pages - Just about everything you need; especially for those of you who are seeking to use the internet to grow your business. In addition to all the home business education we provide on our website; you should also inquire about additional consulting specifically for Your business..
We specialize in Replicated Sites and Marketing Pages for Home Business owners, regardless of what Network Marketing they're with.
DO YOU NEED SEO Services as well? Having a website is good but if no one can find it, then what good is it?
You can either Pay Us to Do your SEO For you (Expensive!!)
OR you can Learn How to do SEO for your own website (Much less Expensive but, Very Time Consuming)
Read Should You Pay for SEO or Learn SEO (link coming soon)
(much more is being added to this page - come back and watch us GROW!)
SeekingaHomeBusiness.com is owned by KingsTeamInternational.com - a Professional Web Design & Business Consultation Company. We provide essential services and education to the Home Business Industry.
KingsTeamInternational, started in 2004 with a focus on helping small business owners get their businesses online. I had the distinct advantage of starting my own business career in the MLM Industry, just as Robert Kiyosaki recommends in the video on our Home Page. After spending 5 years in a very good network marketing company and being mentored by some of the very best business minds in our industry, I started a web design company and was able to successfully get clients. However, I Soon found out that many Small Business Owners Really Do not know how to successfully run a business. I could see the Truth in all of what Mr. Kiyosaki shared in his video. Without the basic business fundamentals including a real change in thinking,your business will not stay in business.
In 2009, SeekingaHomeBusiness.com was created as with the initial goal being to expose existing small business owners and aspiring business owners to the Network Marketing Industry. This site was created to encourage them to consider the benefits of being part of a company and getting around people with similar goals and dreams. Several people go on to operate successful businesss of their own after spending considerable time in this industry first. By starting out with network marketing you get the time to grow, and meet the right people who will be instrumental in the success of your business career. Often we hear that what we know is important. Success, however, is much more about "who" we know and "what" we know. Knowing the right people is only useful if you and those people know what you are doing. So you really want to know people, that know what they are doing - those are great people to learn from and grow a business with.
Many 'parts' go into success. Having a website is only one part of the whole. It's a very Important part of your Online Presense. Your website says a lot about your business. Most people will form their opinion of your business on the appearance of your website. Making your 'own' marketing pages is not advised when you can pay an expert to build one for you. We do want you to have a clear idea of what you'd like to see on your website - but you should allow our certified web designers to Lay it out for you. ARE you a Certified Web Designer? We have a 'few' positions open for you - Contact us today to Inquire about a position.